Monday, January 14, 2008

Cover The Piano Legs?

I read Karen Rayne's post "Prudes or Caretakers" with great interest and commented at enough length that I figured I might as well use it as blog fodder. Bottom line: we can’t lose sight of the fact that the transition from child to adult depends on the ability to sort through mixed messages. The question I’m asking myself is, what can parents do to teach their kids discernment enough to filter out all the crap that’s being spewed their way?

1 comment:

Karen Rayne, Ph.D. said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog, Mrs. Y. I have just begun reading your blog with much interest.

I am very interested in your perspective and approach to sexuality education. I find that you and I are perhaps in more alignment in the nuts and bolts of what must be included in sexuality education than some of the people who I consider myself in ideological alignment. That is to say, perhaps the differences between secular and religiously influenced sexuality education need not be so big if we were all able to come to the table equally and leave our egos and preconceptions behind. (And I certainly include myself in that group that needs to leave preconceptions and egos behind!)

I look forward to reading more.